Saturday, January 6, 2007

Glases ON or OFF?


Here’s the million dollar question… when you start your natural healing adventure, should you continue wearing your glasses/lenses or should you go ‘cold turkey’ and just bin them straight away?

There’s no easy answer to this one. It really depends on the current state of your vision, your circumstances and also on your temperament.

My original reaction, when I got started with my natural vision correction, was a little too ‘Gung Ho!’ I took off my glasses and threw them in the bin, vowing never to need them again. Actually, this slowed down my progress.

Here’s why…

Remember I said that ‘straining’ to see, is one of the greatest causes of poor vision. Your eyes need to relax in order to see well. Personally, I do a lot of close vision work (I work a lot on the computer), and so without my glasses, I found myself straining to see. I began to develop some very bad vision habits, like squinting, and getting too close to the screen (more of this later). I already had poor vision habits, and now I was adding to them! I found that I did actually need my glasses to be able to work, even though I desperately wanted to get rid of them. The trouble is, that at best, lenses are a crutch, and continuous use of any kind of crutch just weakens the body’s ability to become strong and heal itself. So my glasses were necessary for me to work, but they were also contributing to my poor eyesight!

It was a Catch 22. But I found a solution.
I found an optician who was willing to ‘work with me’ during my healing adventure. Just a quick note here – the first couple of opticians I spoke to were not at all supportive and basically mocked my intention to help myself, telling me I was wasting my time! If you get the same thing, keep looking. There are plenty of open minded professionals who will help you. I asked the optician to help me monitor the improvement in my vision, and as my eyesight got better, to give me progressively weaker and weaker lenses. Oh, one more thing… I asked him to always give me lenses that were at least a half diopters too weak for me, so that my eyes were always being encouraged to work a little bit, instead of get lazy!

Each month, I went for a quick eye test, and if my sight had got better, I got new lenses. By the way, a close friend of mine also did this with contact lenses. She bought the daily lenses, and found an optician who would just keep giving her weaker prescriptions, as her eyesight improved.

Now, if you can comfortably get around daily life without really needing your lenses, and you just use them for convenience, then you can probably just go cold turkey from day one. Just use your own good judgment and common sense. Remember, you are taking responsibility now.


BandS MOM said...

I have the same question for a long time. And I've recently found out the natural mechanism.

BandS MOM said...

I have the same question for a long time. And I've recently found out the natural mechanism.